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Monday 11 December 2017

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Very Sad Emotional Song 2017

Monday 6 November 2017

pashto new doubed song 2017

Tuesday 19 September 2017


Monday 7 August 2017

SOFVASC TABLETS Amlodipine (Besylate):5mg



Each tablet contain:
Amlodipine besylate eq. to amlidopine BP/Eur. P …...5 & 10 mg

Amlodipine is a Calcium Ion influx inhibitor and the transmembrane influx of calcium ion into cardiac and smooth muscles.the antihypertensive action is due to direct relaxant and effect on vascular smooth muscle the exact mechanism of action with regard to angina has not been fully determined but amlidopine reduce total ischemic burden by the following to actions.

1= Amlidopine dilates peripheral thus  reduce the total peripheral resistance against with the heart work.since there is no associated reflex tachycardia this unloading of the heart reduce myocardial energy consumption and oxygen requirement and probably account for the effectiveness of amlidopine in myocardial ischemia.

2= The mechanism of action of amlodipine probably involved dilation of the main coronary arteries and coronary arterioles but a normal and ischemic region. this dilqtion increase myocardial oxygen delivery in patient with coronary artery spasm.

After oral administration of therapeutic dose.amlidopine is not defined as well obsorbed.The terminal plasma elimination Half-Life is about 35-65 hour and consistent with once daily dosing. steady state plasma level are achieved after 7-8 days of constructive dosing and define is extensively metabolized by the liver to inactive metabolies with 10% of parent compound and 60% of metabolies excreted in urine. In patient with hypertension once daily dosing provids clinically significant reduction of blood pressure in both supine and standing position throughout the 24 hour interval.


Sofvasc tablet are indicated for the first line treatment of hypertension and can control blood pressure as a sole agent in majority of patients all through the thiazide diuretic, Beta blocker of an inhibitor may be given in addition if required.

Myocardial ischemia:
Sofvasc tablet are indicated for the first line treatment of myocardial ischemia either alone or in combination with Other anti-anginal Drugs.

Amlodipine is contraindicated in patient with known hypersensitivity to dihydropyridiness.

Possible adverb effect:
Amlidopine is generally well tolerated while most commonly observed side effect were headache, edema,  fatigue,  nausea flushing and dizziness.

Drug interactions:
Amlidopine has been safely administrated with thaizide  diuretic Beta blocker angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors long active nitrate sublingual nitroglycerine non steroidal anti inflammatory drug.inhibtors and oral hypoglycemic drugs.


Use in pregnancy and lactation: Safety of the drug has not been established in pregnancy and lactation:
Used in elderly:
Normal dosage the mines are recommended in into the patient. Use in renal faliur:
Amlodipine is extensively metabolised to inactive metabolities with 100% excreted as unchanged in the urine. therefore and define may be used in such patient at normal dose.

                                                        Used in hepatic impairment

 Half life of drug is prolonged in patient with hepatic impairment and dosage recommendation in such patient have not been established the drugs should therefore be administered with caution in such patients.

store in a cool dry and dark place between 15-30 degree centigrade keep all medicine out of the children's reach.

Sofvasc 5 and 10 mg tablet are available in packing containing 30 tablet Wilsonspecs.
complete medical information available only for doctor on request.

                                                                                                                   Manufactured by
                                                                                                                Wilson Pharmacuticles

Thursday 3 August 2017

Tenormin: Uses, Dosage & Side Effects -

                                                                  {.. Tenormin..}


Each film coated tablet content 25 mg,50 mg,100 mg of atenolol.
 Injection for intravenous use presented as an isotonic citrate buffered,aqueous solution containing 5 mg of atenolol 10 ml.

Therapeutic Indications:
Angina pectoris
cardiac arrhythmias

Posology And Method Of Administration:
The dose must always be adjusted  to individual requirement of the patient with the lowest possible starting dosage.
 the following are guidelines.


One tablet daily most patient respond 200 mg daily given orally as a single dose some patient however will respond to 50 mg given as a single daily dose the effect will be fully established after 1 or 2 week a further reduction in blood pressure may be achieved by combining tenormin with other antihypertensive agents for example co administration of tenorman with a diuretic provides a Highly Effective and convenient antihypertensive therapy.

Most patient with angina pectoris will respond 200 mg given orally once or 50 mg given twice daily it is unlikely that additional benefit will be gained by increasing the dose.

Cardiac Arrhythmia’s:
A suitable initial dose of tenormin is 2.5 mg injected intravenously over 2.5 minute period this may be repeated at 5 minute interval until a response is observed up to a maximum dosage of 10 mg tenormin is given by infusion 0.15 MG per KG body weight may be administered over a 20 minute period if required the Injection or infusion may be repeated every 12 hour.Having controlled the arrhythmias with intravenous tenormin a suitable oral maintenance dose ages 50 to 100 MG daily given as a single dose.

 Does requirement may be reduced especially in patient with impaired renal function.

There is no paediatric experience with tenormin and for this reason it is not recommended for use in children.

Renal Failure:
 since the tenormin excreted via then kidney the door that should be reduced in case of severe impairment of renal function no significant accumulation of tenement occur in patients who have a creatinine clearance greater than 35 ml per minute per 1.73 metre square.

Tenorman as with other Beta blocker should not be used in patient with any of the following:
 Hypersensitivity to the active substance, or any of the excipient bradycardia cardiogenic shock. hypertension metabolic acidosis;Severe peripheral articles circulatory disturbance second or third degree heart block sick sinus syndrome;Untreated  phaeochromocytoma;
Uncontrolled heart failure.

                                  Special warnings and precaution for use

tenormin as with other Beta blocker:
should not be with drawn abruptly. should be withdrawn gradually over a period of 7-14 days to facilitate.
A reduction in the beta blocker dosage.Patient should be followed during withdrawal especially those with ischaemic heart diseases.

Pregnancy and lactation:
The tenormin cross the placental barrier and appeared in the cord blood no studies have been performed on the use of tenormin in the first trimester and the possibility of foetal injury cannot be excluded.Tenormin has been used under close supervision for the treatment of hypertension in the third trimester. Administration of the tenormin to pregnant women in the management of mild to moderate hypertension has been associated with intra uterine growth retardation:

Effect on ability to drive and used machines:
Used as  unlikely to result in any impairment of the ability of patient to drive or operate machinery however it should be taken into account that occasionally dizziness or fatigue may occur.

Undesirable effect:
Tenormin is well tolerated.In clinical studies the undesired events trip reported are usually attributable to the pharmacological action of atenolol.
Following undesired events listed by body system has been reported with the following frequencies very common >10% common 1-9.9% uncommon 0.1-0.9%.

The symptoms of overdosage May include bradycardia hypotension acute cardiac insufficiency and bronchaspasm.

                                                                                                      Manufactured By:
                                                                                                searle private limited