Tuesday 1 August 2017

Nims Tablet - Uses, Side-effects, Reviews, Composition, Interactions


                                                                  (100 MG TABLETS)


 Each film coated tablet content Nimesulide.ph.Eur.....100mg

 Nimesulide is non steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs that selectively inhibits cyclooxygenase but it appears to exert it therapeutic effect through variety of other mechanism as well like inhibition of platelet activating factor tumor necrosis factor Alpha protease and histamine etc.

Oral absorption of Nimesulide is almost complete.concomintant administration of food made decrease the rate but not the extent of absorption of Nimesulide. plasma binding is high (approximately 99%) .Nimsulide is extensively metabolized to several  metabolites which are excreted mainly in the urine about 70% and in feces about 20%.

Nimsulide being an NSAID.  exhibit anti-inflammatory analgesic and anti-pyretic property it is indicated as second choice for the treatment or acute pain and primary dysmenorrhea.

                                       Special warning and precaution for use

Hepatic Effects:
Rarely nimsulide has been  reported to be  associated with seriouse hepatic reaction including very rare fatal case.patient who experrience sympotoms compatible with hepatic injury during treatment with laser light or patient who develop abnormal liver function tests should have treatment discontinued.this patient should not be Rechallenged with name of nimesulide liver damage in most cases reversible has been reported following short exposure to the drug.

 The use of Nimesulide is contraindicated and patient with hapatic impairment children active peptic ulcer disease is known hypersensitivity to the active substance acetic Acid or other prostaglandin synthetase inhibiting drugs.

Adverse  Reactions:
At therapeutic dose  is usually well tolerated.Occasional Side Effects include heartburn nausea and epigastric pain.skin rashes of allergic type may rarely occure.

Drugs interaction:
Clinically important interaction involving interference with drug metabolism have not been described with nimsulide.

                                                Dosage And Administration:

usual oral dose is adults is one tablet twice daily for not more than 15 days.


As directed by physical.

See expiry on the pack

NIMS 100... MG Tablet in a pack of 20 tablet.

keep outkeep out of reach of children avoid exposure to heat light and human immunity power between 15 to 30 degree centigrade and improper storage may be deteriorate the medicine.

                                                                                                            Manufactured by:  


                                                                                                        Pharmaceuticals (PVT) LT


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